Iatrogenic Harm Following “HIV” Testing,
15 (#1, 2010) 5-9
by Matteo Payer Galletti and Henry H. Bauer,
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 114 (#4, 2009) 179-192
pdf of text published in different formatting in
YOU ARE STILL BEING LIED TO: The REMIXED Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths
ed. Russ Kick, The Disinformaiton Company, 2009, pp. 278-82
Incongruous Age Distributions of HIV Infections and Deaths from HIV Disease: Where is the Latent Period between HIV Infection and AIDS?
Questioning HIV/AIDS: Morally Reprehensible or Scientifically Warranted?
Demographic Characteristics of HIV
This page was last updated: November 19, 2011