International Journal of STD & AIDS 18: 645-646, September 2007
The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight against AIDS by Helen Epstein
The AIDS Pandemic: The Collision of Epidemiology with Political Correctness by James Chin
"can be used as a mirror for some of the major failings of HIV epidemiology
during the first quarter century of its existence . . . HIV/ AIDS researchers and
health workers . . . should take a hard look at the weak quality of evidence
supporting the views of HIV propagation appearing in their pages . . .
richly documented . . .
asking good questions and . . . detailing how ‘competent and qualified people
who questioned the orthodoxy have been largely excluded from the leading journals’ . . .
and, consequently, the media . . .
Readers should ask the HIV/AIDS establishment, especially the health agencies
entrusted with monitoring and intervening in HIV epidemics, why they have settled
for evidence from a lesser god when the stakes for getting the picture right are so high.
Bauer, Epstein and Chin ought to be thanked for providing us with such a
(regretfully unflattering) mirror. Our task ought to be to recognize the serious
weaknesses in the available evidence and to insist on rigorous studies that can
supply the strong, direct evidence needed for epidemiologic validity"
ignore[s] contrary evidence . . . selectively interprets the observations of others.
As the book says, “I have not omitted any contradictory data” about HIV-test
results. The review no doubt means that I ignore evidence from other aspects than HIV-test results
because my conclusions are based on “ecologic evidence and inferential reasoning”, i.e., epidemiology.
Therefore I ignore, for example, the claimed efficacy of antiretroviral treatment which is commonly offered
as evidence that HIV causes AIDS.
I interpret selectively the observations of others as a matter of pertinence. I cite Gisselquist et al.
as finding no difference between the sexual behavior of Africans and of others, and I cite their
interpretation that the AIDS pandemic in Africa cannot be explained on the basis of sexual transmission,
because those are directly relevant to my argument; I neglect the suggestion that unhygienic medical
injections could be a major responsible factor because to discuss that would involve a lengthy digression
explaining why I disagree, given my conclusion that HIV is not infectious.
SciTech Book News September 2007, p.1
"many corrections . . . to conventional wisdom on HIV/AIDS, compiling research from diverse
sources . . . discusses the correlation between HIV and race . . . posits that a research
monopoly has resulted in widespread misconceptions--among which is the unproven fact that
HIV leads to AIDS. Material may be of interest to undergraduates and above interested in policy
and theory issues in HIV/AIDS research."
Public Choice Online First (published online 9 October 2007; reviewed by William F. Shughart II
"This is an important book. . . . systematically demolishes the theory—more correctly the
hypothesis or conjecture—that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). . . . Skillfully collating, summarizing and analyzing an
extensive literature, including hundreds of scientific studies . . . , reports produced by
government agencies and non-government organizations, and statements issued by
public-health experts, Bauer methodically undermines every argument and stylized fact
ostensibly linking AIDS to HIV. . .
a masterful attack on scientific orthodoxy. It is eye-opening and worthy of the attention
of a broader audience than, I fear, it will reach."
"Dr. Bauer’s civility of tone is remarkable. . . . [his] conclusions are backed up by
about 450 references, about 100 to primary medical journals. . . .
I recommend the book very highly."
"... groundbreaking book. . . . goes on to highlight the innate racism of HIV/AIDS . . . .
this book brings to our attention what the data unequivocally show:
that HIV prevalence is alien to what would accord with a sexually acquired condition
and therefore HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS."

"hard evidence . . . . no-holds-barred book"
"This book is the 800 pound gorilla of the anti HIV-->AIDS movement.
The book the mainstream HIV view must answer
or lose any semblance of credibility".