This book collates and analyzes, for the first time,
the results of more than two decades of HIV testing,
revealing that common assumptions about HIV and AIDS
are incompatible with the published data.
HIV is neither sexually transmitted nor increasingly prevalent.
HIV and AIDS are not correlated geographically.
HIV and AIDS are not correlated chronologically.
HIV and AIDS are not correlated in their relative impact on
Nor are HIV and AIDS correlated in their relative impact on
But how could everyone have been so wrong for so long?
This central question,has not been addressed in previous works questioning the HIV-AIDS connection.
This book offers two answers:
The general answer lies in the history of science: Science has always progressed by discarding previously held beliefs. Examples of earlier and similar mistakes in medical science
include ulcers, kuru, and gene therapy.
The specific answer lies in several early decisions,
most seriously how AIDS victims were (mis)classified
when AIDS was first identified as a new phenomenon.
How to order the book:
McFarland markets primarily to libraries, and bookstores will not usually carry it in stock.
Bookstores can order it for you, since McFarland works with Ingram Book Distributors,
but ordering direct might be more convenient:
David Crowe, president, Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society:
John Lauritsen, author of The AIDS Cult, The AIDS War and Poison by Prescription
I consider it easily one of the ten best AIDS dissident books."
All reported data about HIV tests can be explained by what the book's analysis shows:
1. A positive HIV-test is a HIGHLY NON-SPECIFIC physiological response.
2. The probability of such a response, to any given stimulus,
depends in a PREDICTABLE way on age, sex, and racial ancestry.
Research published since this book was written confirms the validity of the book's findings.
It comments on reports that illustrate the absurdities of the orthodox view, for example that
in many parts of the world, it is married women who are at greatest risk of becoming HIV-positive;
and why a quarter century of effort has seen no progress toward a vaccine to prevent infection.
A posting on 19 March reports data on deaths from "HIV disease" which show that

antiretroviral treatment has not prolonged life
and that comparison with data on becoming HIV-positive shows that

the "latent period" postulated by HIV/AIDS theory does not exist.